
hyperbolic workspace
july 2007 - competition entry

workspace for creative industries in the 21st century has to be

- sustainable: resources are limited. materials should be used carefully and be recycled wherever possible. here recycled scaffolding and old plastic bags are used.

- high-tech: it is amazing what is achievable with cutting-edge technologies. advantage is taken of these developments, both in the selection of materials (here the fabric of the roof) and in the electronics installed.

- flexible: modern day life is all about flexibility – changing place, changing job, changing life. a workplace has to be adapted to that need.
the whole structure should be easy to assemble, dissemble, and move. it should be versatile enough to fit into different sites, be it in a derelict warehouse, in the entrance hall of a big company, on a building site put on hold, or in an unused exhibition hall. thus the form of a pavilion is used.
the interior should allow for different uses, and should be expandable if required. the walls out of old bags can be used as storage from both sides and yield divers spaces if several pavilions are connected.

- aesthetical: it has been recognised that the environment has a big influence on people. workspace for the creative industries should be inspiring, challenging, uplifting, and elegant.