
welcome desk
january 2008 - competition - 3rd prize

in the middle of the entry hall every visitor immediately finds help at the new welcome desk. nonetheless the booth does not get in the way of the students coming in and going out daily because of its aerodynamic shape and it's slightly turned position.

if the desk is not in use, the screen that shields the enquirer from the passers-by can be folded back and closes the desk. the reduction to the necessary and attention to detail result in a simple and elegant form.

the attention necessary for such a use is not generated with the unobtrusive booth itself, but with a mobile located on its roof that unfolds into the ample and beautiful head space of the entry hall. colorful and moving it stands for a modern university.

colors and shapes of the booth and the mobile reference the existing buildings. materials are opaque perspex, steel frames and a plastic floor platform. the booth is assembled on site out of six pieces and can be relocated easily.